Description And Purpose
- To provide U.S. scholars with opportunities to conduct in-depth research in all appropriate academic disciplines
- To develop lasting professional contacts at Taiwanese institutions
Up to 2 awards
6 to 10 months
September 16, 2024
- Area Studies, non-U.S.
- Economics
- Environmental Sciences
- Law
- Political Science
- Public Administration
- Comparative Politics
- Dispute Settlement
- Diplomacy
- Environmental Studies
- Free Trade Agreement and Regional Economic Integration
- International Law
- International Relations
- Negotiation
- Public Policy
- Base Stipend: NT$ 69,000
- Living Allowance: NT$30,000 – NT$48,000*
- Partial Housing Allowance: NT$30,000 – NT$36,000**
- Settling-in & Baggage Allowance: NT$36,000 (one-time)
- Book and Research Allowance: NT$15,000 (one-time)
- Dependent Tuition Allowance: US$10,000 per child per semester
Dependent tuition allowance for accompanying dependents in grades 1-12, up to two children. The tuition allowance is only for regular semesters (the first semester begins in mid-September and ends in late January; the second semester begins in early February and ends in late June, depending on the lunar calendar). - Round-trip Air Ticket
- National Health Insurance
Dependents must accompany the grantee for at least 80% of the period abroad and a minimum of one semester in order to qualify for additional dependent benefits.
*An additional NT$6,000 (US$214) for accompanying spouse and NT$6,000 (US$214) per accompanying child, up to two children.
**Dependent tuition allowance of up to US$10,000 per child per semester for accompanying dependents in grades 1-12, and up to US$20,000 per family. The tuition allowance is only for regular semesters (the first semester begins in mid-September and ends in late January; the second semester begins in early February and ends in late June, depending on the lunar calendar).
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants are eligible who:
- Must be U.S. citizens. Permanent resident status is not sufficient.
- Recipients of a Fulbright Scholar award could apply for another award two years after the date of completion of the previous award.
- Hold a Ph.D. or equivalent professional/terminal degree (including a master’s depending on the field such as M.F.A., J.D., or M.D.). For professionals and artists outside academe, recognized professional standing and substantial professional accomplishments such as artists, musicians, museum personnel, writers, journalists, and other professionals.
- May be academics or professionals. Applicants must be at least three years beyond the completion of their terminal degree at the time of application and have research publications or produced a creative portfolio in the last three years. Exceptions may be made for applications in professional fields or the arts where other bodies of work may qualify.
- Without Chinese language proficiency, the feasibility of conducting research in English must be demonstrated in the proposal. Completion of the language proficiency report(s) depends upon the research needs.
- The duration of grants ranges from 6 to 10 months. The grants must begin no earlier than August 1, 2024. They must end no later than September 30, 2025.
- Meet the Grant Conditions and Provisions
Applicants are Ineligible who:
- Currently residing in Taiwan (or those who will be living in Taiwan during the 2023-2024 academic year) will not be considered.
- Has lived outside the United States for five or more consecutive years in the six-year period preceding. An applicant who has lived outside the United States for nine months or more during the calendar year is deemed to have resided abroad for that year.
Apply online no later than September 16, 2024. Please visit Fulbright Scholar Program for more general information about awards to Taiwan as well as application instructions.
Learn More About the Process
Application Procedure
Apply online no later than September 16, 2024. Please visit Fulbright Scholar Program for more general information about awards to Taiwan as well as application instructions.
Please submit the following all required application components to the IIE website:
- Project Statement
- Tailored Curriculum Vitae or Resume
- Two letters of recommendation
- Portfolio: For applicants in the creative/performing arts, including: Architecture, Creative Writing, Dance, Design and Crafts, Filmmaking, Journalism, Music, Theater Arts, Visual Arts
- Letter of Invitation
- Bibliography
- Syllabi/Course Outlines
Completion of Application Procedures.
If there are any questions with regard to the Fulbright Scholar Program, please direct your inquiry to
The application for the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program awards starts in early February and closes in mid-September every year. For more details about applicants’ criteria, application deadlines, application guidelines, grant benefits, etc., please visit the CIES’s website.
Please ask the American scholars to apply for Fulbright Scholar Awards on the official webpage of CIES.
Fulbright “students” are participants in the Fulbright Student Program, which enables graduating college seniors, graduate students, early career professionals and artists to study, teach, or conduct research. Generally those who apply as an English Teaching Assistant are recent bachelor’s or master’s degree holders. A bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) is generally required by the start of the Fulbright grant period. Some exceptions may apply, especially for artists.
Fulbright “scholars” are participants in the Fulbright Scholar Program, which enables college and university faculty members with a Ph.D. (or equivalent terminal degree) to teach and/or conduct research. The Fulbright Scholar Program is also open to artists and professionals. A small number of grants are also offered annually to U.S. international education administrators through the Fulbright Scholar Program.
The Fulbright Program does not have age limits for applicants.
Fulbright US Student Research and ETA applicants should contact:
No, you cannot defer your Fulbright award.
No. Previously unsuccessful applicants are strongly encouraged to re-submit.
Yes. You can travel outside Taiwan for a maximum of two weeks (14 days), excluding weekends, based on a 10 to 12-month grant period. The actual maximum # of days is calculated on a pro-rata basis depending on the approved grant period.
For all trips outside of Taiwan during the grant period, prior approval is required from FSE. Before out-of-the-country travel, the grantee must submit a request at least two weeks in advance and receive approval from FSE. In addition, host institutions/professionals must also agree to grantee travel plans and to release grantees. Trips outside Taiwan cannot occur during the first or the last month of the grant period.
Fulbright Taiwan will provide you with detailed information, required documents, and visa cable number provided from MOFA on the process once you are selected as a grantee. Please see the website for details.
U.S. grantees who are in Taiwan with a resident visa are eligible for Taiwan National Health Insurance (NHI). FSE pays the NHI cost for grantees. Also, all U.S. Grantees are offered an additional group insurance coverage for emergency/accident treatment at FSE’s expense. The group insurance helps strengthen compensation packages. The goal of a group insurance plan is to provide some basic additional insurance protection if something unexpected happens. Nevertheless, all U.S. grantees are still encouraged to retain their own health insurance.
Selection Procedure
Early November
Regional Peer Review (First Run Selection)
Reviewers screen applications based on a comprehensive match to each award and recommend candidates for further consideration. Regional reviewers evaluate and rate applicants within each award. Regional reviewers consider criteria, award requirements, regional fit, language requirements, J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB) policy, and cultural adaptability and sensitivity. After this stage, all applicants are notified by IIE of their review status (recommended or not recommended). Recommended applicants are then sent forward for review abroad and to the FFSB.
Recommended Applications from the IIE Received
Recommended applications are received from the Institute of International Education (IIE).
Early December
Review in Host Country/Countries (Second Run Selection)
A Selection Committee (academic peers from a variety of disciplines, board members, and staff) reviews all documents and research proposals and recommends a slate for final selection by Fulbright Taiwan’s Board.
Submit the Nominee List
Provide the selected applicants (nominee/non-nominees list) to the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB) after the board meeting.
February of grant year
Final Approval from FFSB
Review and official selection of recommended candidates for Fulbright grants by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB). Selected applicants receive a letter from the FFSB chair as official notice of selection for a U.S. Fulbright Scholar award. Alternates and applicants not selected will receive a letter regarding status from IIE.
Final approval is then normally received by Fulbright Taiwan in April. Afterwards, Fulbright Taiwan will contact the grantees and send them the grant packets.
Note: All Taiwan grantees must hold a J-type visa to enter Taiwan for educational and cultural exchange programs
Join the Prestigious Network !
Special Projects
Additional depth and breadth are encouraged in seven general project areas, please see the special projects accomplished by former grantees.
- Indigenous People Initiative
- Pacific Coral Holistic Project
- Tomorrow’s Rivers Initiative
- English Education Project
- Cross-strait Studies
- Public Health Research
- Arts & Culture
Helpful Links
- American Institute in Taiwan (AIT)
- The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA)
- The Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)
- Institute of International Education (IIE)
- Ministry of Education (MOE)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
- TECRO in the USA
- Arts Residency Network, Ministry of Culture (MOC), Taiwan
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S.