Awards to the U.S.

Scholar-in-Residence Program (SIR)

Description and Purpose

  1. The Scholar-in-Residence (SIR) Program is institution-focused, and supports proposals developed by U.S. institutions.
  2. The SIR Program  is open to all accredited U.S. institutions of higher education. A U.S. institution can maximize capacity-building by using the Visiting Scholar for work across departments and curricula. This work ranges from teaching undergraduate courses to advising on faculty and curriculum development.
  3. Through the SIR Program, a participating U.S. institution can establish formal ties to overseas institutions that lead to the development of new international exchange activities.
  4. Taiwan’s scholars can participate in the SIR Program by becoming Fulbright Scholars or recommended by IIE from overseas who teach or research at the participating institutions in the United States.
  5. Scholars from Taiwan cannot apply for the positions themselves; rather, they are invited and appointed by the U.S. Department of State through due process.
  6. The announcement below is for the 2024-2025 program, per the U.S. side’s request to recruit appropriate Taiwan scholar.






5 months


July 8, 2024


Discipline: Fine Arts (Specialization: Graphic Arts and Mass Communications)

Host University: LeMoyne-Owen College, Memphis, TN



Duration: 5 months, from January 2025


Summary of ActivitiesThe Scholar-in-Residence will teach courses, assist in curriculum development, guest lecture, possibly assist in developing study abroad/exchange partnerships and engage with the campus serving on various committees such as the Academic Honors, Standards & Selection Committee; Curriculum & Instruction Committee; Faculty & Instructional Development Committee; Honors Activities Committee; Library & Research Committee; Student Development Committee and the local community.


Academic ProgramFine Arts and Humanities; Social and Behavioral Sciences; etc.

– Graphic Design/Art

The Visiting Scholar/Artist would be responsible for leading the introductory level or intermediate classes for ARTS 302 Intro to Graphic Design, ARTS 322 Pixel Imaging, ARTS 323 Vector Imaging, and/or ARTS 406 Basic Computer Illustration (max. 2). In addition will assist the Marketing/Advertising department and organizations on campus with creative projects


– Mass Communications

The Visiting Scholar would be responsible for providing instruction for intro and intermediate courses (exp. Media Writing, Intro to Mass Com or Com Law. Will work with the Area Coord on the print and digital newspaper project, and will work towards consolidating the in-roads made by the Area Coord on the student group -Journalism and Mass Communication Club – and engage with the students.

All Visiting Scholars will engage in student advising and curriculum redesign.


Scholar Profile: Master’s degree.


Plans for Other Campus ActivitiesThe SIR will engage with faculty and administrators while serving on various committees:

– Academic Honors, Standards & Selection Committee: Review policies regarding academic honors and standards and monitoring students with academic deficiencies

– Curriculum & Instruction Committee: Review proposals for change.

– Faculty & Instructional Development Committee: Review policies and programs that will enhance the professional growth of the faculty and enable them to better deliver an education to students.

– Honors Activities Committee: Provide counsel, coordination and activities for honors students.

– Library & Research Committee: Assist in the development of research capacities of students and faculty.

– Student Development Committee: Help devise a plan for student development, recruitment and retention.

– SIR will advise students, present on campus at cultural, civic, and social events sponsored by the institution, alumni and corporate organizations.


Community Outreach:

In our quest to expand mutual awareness between people of other countries and the United States, It is our goal to have the Scholar-in-Residence participate in programs sponsored by organizations, other educational institutions, business and industry, and governmental agencies on the local, state, and national level, We are hopeful the opportunity will avail itself for not only LeMoyne-Owen College students, but students in our local high schools, other educational institutions, etc. We want to spread the word and provide speaking engagements, community meetings, and other grassroots activities, All logistics, travel, planning and implementation will be strategically handled through the institution.


Note: The benefits are subject to the Grant Authorization approved by the Department of State.

  1. A monthly stipend totaling $3,611 per month
  2. A professional development allowance of US $840 -$1,285
  3. A settling-in allowance of US$1,393
  4. A baggage allowance of US$300
  5. A in transit allowance of US$300
  6. A S-I-R supplemental allowance of $1200 – $3000
  7. A dependent allowance is payable for dependents accompanying the grantee for at least 80% of the grant period. Grantees with one accompanying dependent will receive $240 per month; with two or more accompanying dependents, $419 per month.
  8. Accident and sickness insurance for the grantee only, provided under the Department of State’s regular program. Accident and sickness insurance for accompanying dependents is at the expense of the grantee and is required by U.S. J‐visa regulations. Grantees bringing dependents are advised to research dependent health insurance options prior to arriving in the U.S.
  9. A direct-flight, round-trip basic-economy-class air ticket for grantee and up to two dependents (Must take US airlines)
  10. Other possible supports provided by the local university/ college (based on the host institution’s proposal)

For further information, please visit: Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence (S-I-R) Program

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants are eligible who

  1. Scholars/artists who have earned master’s degrees
  2. Have a commitment to research and practice in the field

Applicants are Ineligible who

  1. Are currently teaching, studying, or conducting research in the U.S.
  2. Have received a J-1 visa in the category of Professor/Research Scholar within the past 2 years. They cannot be issued another J-1 visa in the category of Professor/Research Scholar.

Application Procedure


By July 8th, 2024 the following items are due in the online application (please select “Recruited Scholar-in-Residence” in the Preliminary Questions):

  1. A Chinese and English Curriculum Vitae;
  2. Two letters of Reference on behalf of the scholar
  3. A letter from the scholar’s home institution stating that the scholar will receive leave of absence if selected for the Fulbright grant

More details about the application instruction is available by email to per request.


An in-person English interview in Fulbright Taiwan office in Taipei on July 15th , 2024


The application process has been completed! Wait for the notification letter!

Selection Procedure


A Selection Committee (academic peers from a variety of disciplines, Board members, and staff) reviews all documents and proposals of teaching plans, interviews all candidates,  and recommends a slate for final selection by the Board of Fulbright Taiwan.


Applicants are notified by Fulbright Taiwan of nomination/non-nomination after the Board meeting. Their nomination is also sent to IIE for the second-round selection. The finalist will be sent to J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB).

The grant is then subject to:

  1. Approval by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB)
  2. Acceptance of the candidate’s proposal of teaching plan by LeMoyne-Owen College

August to

Final approval is then received by Fulbright Taiwan and conveyed to grantees as soon as received.


Pre‐departure Orientation


The Scholar applies for the Fulbright J-1 visa with the DS-2019 issued by Fulbright/IIE, and arranges the travel based on the S-I-R policy.


Start the S-I-R program in the U.S.

Note: All Taiwan grantees traveling to the U.S. must hold a J-type visa for academic and cultural exchange programs.


Fulbright Taiwan would like to encourage more American institutions to take advantage of Taiwan scholars in the SIR program, and simultaneously help more Taiwan scholars go to the U.S.


You may have specific contacts in the U.S. You may have specific places you would like to be a SIR. Unfortunately, these schools have to request IIE for a Taiwan scholar. Work with Fulbright Taiwan to contact American institutions or U.S. scholars to encourage them to request a scholar from Taiwan!



The program is open to all accredited U.S. institutions of higher education. Non-U.S. institutions are ineligible. The institution must be in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requiring nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs.



To host a SIR in 2025-2026, the U.S. university should complete the interest survey by December, and submit the application by June 3, 2024. More details are in S-I-R website:

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Ms. Troy Tung
Tel: 02-2388-2100 ext. 143