Awards to Taiwan

FSE English Teacher Training Award (TEFL Advisor)

Description and Purpose

The FSE English Teacher Trainer scholarship program provides qualified TEFL teachers or professors with the opportunity to spend one year as Academic Advisors for Fulbright English Teaching Assistants (ETA) and English Teaching Flagship (ETF) participants who serve at K-9 levels. Advisors work with the Americans and their counterparts Taiwanese Local English Teachers (LETs).


The purpose of the program is to enhance professional expertise through visits, observations, consultations, and coordination. By supervising these outstanding Americans and Taiwanese English teachers, the Advisors contribute to create a better English Teaching environment in Taiwan.

Note: The application process operates on an ongoing admission basis, subject to availability of space, with the deadline for non-current Fulbright Taiwan grantees being the end of May 2024.


Up to 20 awards




11 months


May, 2024


The duration of the grant is 11 months: August 1st, 2024 ~ June 30th, 2025
With the Selection Committee’s approval, renewal for a second and final 11 months may be considered.


  1. Monthly stipend of NT$65,000 – NT$90,000 (depending upon the qualifications of the grantee)

  2. Round-trip airfare between Taiwan and current residence (for non-Taiwan residents)

  3. A settling-in allowance of NT$36,000 in the first month of the grant

  4. National Health Insurance

  5. Travel reimbursement for transportation costs incurred in traveling between locations; hotel reimbursement up to NT$3,000 per night for business travel between locations.

  6. The grant experience offers close professional interactions with Taiwanese TEFL teachers and local professors; recipients have many opportunities to travel around the island, visit major cities and see beautiful remote areas, including the indigenous areas.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants with a Master’s degree and TEFL teaching experience are eligible who:

  1. Currently teach or conduct research in TEFL in any country, including Taiwan

  2. Hold official citizenship from Taiwan or the US

  3. Are either native English speakers or fluent in English

Applicants with a Ph.D. degree who are citizens of Taiwan or the US are eligible who:

  1. Have been in the relevant field of English teaching experiences for more than 2 years

  2. Have held the rank of assistant professor (or its equivalent) or higher for at least two years and are affiliated with a university or research institution in Taiwan or the US

Note: While a background in Mandarin is useful, it is not necessary for the position.

Training Activities

Primary activity – Professional Development for teachers: Instruct Local English Teachers (LETs) and American grantees, with the cooperation of local staff and professors at each site. American grantees are usually co-teaching with LETs in elementary and a few junior high schools. TEFL Advisors are a crucial part of the team coordinated by Fulbright Taiwan. They need to engage in the following:

  1. Summer Training: Provide some teacher training instruction for American grantees and LETs in August; teacher training is spread over the month.

  2. Workshops: For each 18-week semester, each Advisor runs different weekday afternoon TEFL workshops focused on practical applications (rotating weekly among different locations).

  3. Reports: Provide written feedback on up to 16 American grantees’ bi-weekly reflective reports.

  4. Teaching observations: Attend and comment on up to 16 classroom observations each semester.

  5. Consultation: Provide, on request, individual advice to American grantees and LETs regarding co-teaching and teaching methods.

  6. Organize training forums and teacher training programs.

  7. Camps: Instruct the American grantees about the content of the English Camps in remote areas and their sites as part of American grantees’ community service.

  8. Cultural Events: Participate in host family gatherings, Dragon Boat Festival, American grantees’ school interviews, and so on.

  9. Office Hours: There is a requirement of checking in to the base offices 3 days per week. If there is any in-person training session or team meetings, it is mandatory to participate.

More Information Below

Application Procedure


We are accepting applications on a rolling basis. Please contact us via


  1. A Statement of Purpose in English for teacher training
  2. English CV (with your cell phone number or easy-to-be contacted number) and email address
  3. Two recommendation letters in English or Mandarin (TEFL and/or academic experience related)
  4. Academic transcripts and degree certification
  5. Copy of R.O.C. ID card or copy of U.S. passport
  6. 10-minute Teaching Demo Video (optional)

Please share the YouTube video with:


The Selection Committee reviews all application documents and notifies the candidates of an official English interview.

Grantee Story


Scholarship Recruitment Team for English Teaching Program

Tel: 886-2-2388-2100#192
Fax: 886-2-2388-2855