
WZU Mandarin-Taught Master’s Degree Program Award in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

Program Introduction

The partner universities offer the opportunities for U.S. students to apply for scholarships that will enable them to continue full-time studies in Taiwan beyond the Fulbright award. The award is initially granted for 12 months, and renewal for a second and third year are dependent upon the grantee’s academic success. The award provides recipients with full tuition support and student dormitory at the co-sponsored universities. The program is taught in Chinese. The program combines one year of intensive studies of the Chinese language with a two-year master’s degree program. The award must begin no earlier than September 1, 2023 and end no later than August 31, 2024.








October 8, 2024


This award is available to pursue a full-time master’s degree in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages (WZU). The program is taught in Mandarin.

Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages was founded by the sisters of the Roman Union of the Order of St. Ursula in 1966. Education in WZU is founded on the Christian concept of faith in the uniqueness of the individual. Curricula are designed to foster the growth of this uniqueness and the development of the whole person. With Chinese language and culture as the foundation, the University seeks through foreign language education to provide an understanding of multi-culturalism and an international perspective.

Program Features

  • Advanced theory and practice in Chinese language teaching
  • Advanced Chinese linguistics
  • Compilation of Chinese teaching materials and digital distance learning courses, with the advantages provided by WZU’s well-equipped multimedia teaching platforms and foreign language teaching resource center
  • Connotations and applications of Chinese culture
  • Multiple courses in foreign languages with the advantages in a university of languages

The Fulbright student could be trained as an English TA in local schools to have more interaction with local teachers for deepers cultural understanding. WZU will arrange the Fulbright student to be a TA (or intern teacher) in the Department of Applied Chinese or the Chinese Language Center of WZU.

The award is co-sponsored by Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages. The program will take 3 years to earn a master’s degree. International students spend their first year in studying Chinese in order to improve their Chinese language and study skills to the level needed for the program study. After completing a Chinese language program, international students will continue their studies toward their master’s degree. WZU offers full tuition waivers and student dormitory as long as the candidate maintains satisfactory academic standards.


  1. 每月獎助總額:台幣25,000元
    基本津貼: 台幣18,000元
    生活補助: 台幣7,000元
  2. 抵台安置與行李補助(僅給付一次):台幣36,000元
  3. 學費減免 (由學校提供,依據各校規定之畢業學分數給付)
  4. 免費住宿 (由學校提供)
  5. 來回經濟艙機票
  6. 全民健康保險
  7. Dependent financial support is NOT available


下列人士 符合 資格申請:

  1. 須為美國國民, 僅持美國綠卡者資格不符。
  2. 擁有碩士學位。
  3. 具備上述學術領域所需之相關學歷背景。
  4. 請參閱獎助金附帶條件
  5. Candidates must have received a Bachelor’s degree prior to enrollment and intend to pursue a three-year Master’s degree. Strong academic credentials in their area of specialization are expected. A good capacity for studying and living in a cross-cultural setting is necessary. Grantees cannot be accompanied by dependents.

下列人士 不符 資格申請:

  1. Currently residing in Taiwan (or those who will be living in Taiwan during the 2023-2024 academic year) will not be considered. 
  2. Has lived outside the United States for five or more consecutive years in the six-year period preceding. An applicant who has lived outside the United States for nine months or more during the calendar year is deemed to have resided abroad for that year. 
  3. Have dual U.S.-Taiwan nationality or permanent residency.

Foreign Language Proficiency

Required – Intermediate

The applicant’s Chinese proficiency of CEFR B1 or its equivalent is required. Advanced Mandarin study in Taiwan in the first year is required. CEFR B2 is expected at the beginning of the second year.


Graduate Degree Enrollment

Letter of acceptance required prior to grant start No letter of affiliation is required upon application. Candidates must be accepted by both the Fulbright commission in Taiwan and the university program.

Applicants must also be accepted by the university

A separate application to the university is required. Applicants not only have to apply to the Fulbright award, but also MUST be accepted by the university. PLEASE look up and respect the program application deadline at the university.

Once a Fulbright finalist gains admission to a master’s degree program, a copy of the admission letter must be provided to the commission.


Apply online no later than October 8, 2024. For more application information, please see the IIE website for details which provides general information about awards for Taiwan, as well as application instructions.



Apply online no later than October 8, 2024. For more application information, please see the Fulbright U.S. Student Program website, which provides general information and application instructions about awards for Taiwan, for details.


Submit the following all required application components for the 2024-2025 U.S. Student Program by the application deadline: October 8, 2024.

  1. Statement of Grant Purpose
  2. Personal Statement
  3. 三封推薦信 
  4. Transcripts

Please refer to the Application Components section for details of application requirements


Application process has been completed! 靜候通知!

If there are any questions with regard to the Fulbright Student Program, please direct your inquiry to: FBstudent.EAP@iie.org


Submit the application to Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages at the same time.

Please make sure you complete the application in the two different application systems.


The application for Fulbright U.S. Student Program awards opens in early April and closes in early October every year. For more details about application criteria, application deadlines, application guidelines, grant benefits, etc., please visit IIE’s website.

Fulbright “students” are participants in the Fulbright Student Program, which enables graduating college seniors, graduate students, early career professionals and artists to study, teach, or conduct research. A bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) is generally required by the start of the Fulbright grant period. Some exceptions may apply, especially for artists.

Fulbright “scholars” are participants in the Fulbright Scholar Program, which enables college and university faculty members with a Ph.D. (or equivalent terminal degree) to teach and/or conduct research. The Fulbright Scholar Program is also open to artists and professionals. A small number of grants are also offered annually to U.S. international education administrators through the Fulbright Scholar Program.

The Fulbright Program does not have age limits for applicants.

Contact a Fulbright Program Advisor on your campus or visit the Fulbright Student Program website for application information. The application cycle opens in the first week of April each year.

A GPA of 3.0 or higher is required usually. In general, GPA is not the deciding factor. Reviewers look for cogent and feasible projects, well-written proposals, and candidates who demonstrate in their proposals that they understand the purpose of Fulbright.

We recommend that you allow a minimum of 4-6 month’s preparation. Start early! Also, if you plan to start your Fulbright student program immediately following graduation, prepare your application in your junior year and submit at the beginning of your senior year. 

A GPA of 3.0 or higher is required usually. In general, GPA is not the deciding factor. Reviewers look for cogent and feasible projects, well-written proposals, and candidates who demonstrate in their proposals that they understand the purpose of Fulbright.

Click here to view the Online Application Portal and Application Period for the Master’s Degree Program Award. 

No, you cannot defer your Fulbright award.

No. Previously unsuccessful applicants are strongly encouraged to re-submit.

Yes. You can travel outside Taiwan for a maximum of two weeks (14 days), excluding weekends, based on a 10 to 12-month grant period. The actual maximum # of days is calculated on a pro-rata basis depending on the approved grant period.

For all trips outside of Taiwan during the grant period, prior approval is required from FSE. In addition, host institutions/professionals must also agree to grantee travel plans to release grantees. Trips outside Taiwan cannot occur during the first or the last month of the grant period.

Fulbright Taiwan will provide you with detailed information, required documents, and visa cable number provided from MOFA to process once you are selected as a grantee. Please see the website for details.

U.S. grantees who are in Taiwan with a resident visa are eligible for Taiwan National Health Insurance (NHI). FSE pays the NHI cost for grantees. Also, all U.S. Grantees are offered an additional group insurance coverage for emergency/accident treatment at FSE’s expense. The group insurance helps strengthen compensation packages. The goal of a group insurance plan is to provide some basic additional insurance protection if something unexpected happens.

Nevertheless, all U.S. grantees are still encouraged to retain their own health insurance.


Early January

由IIE評審委員會進行初審 (第一輪甄選)

評審依據申請人與該獎項的適配性進行全面性的篩選與評分。 。 甄選基準包含申請資格、獎項條件、區域適配性、語言要求、獎助學金規範、文化敏銳度與適應性。 第一輪甄選結束後,IIE將會更新審查狀態,標註推薦候選人(recommended) 與不推薦候選人(not recommended), 並知會學術交流基金會推薦候選人名單,同時送交傅爾布萊特國外獎學金委員會(FFSB)。




Middle February

由學術交流基金會之委員會進行複審 (第二輪甄選)







位於華盛頓特區之傅爾布萊特國外獎學金委員會(FFSB)收到複審獲獎人名單和進行最終審查。 最終之獲選者將會收到由FFSB發出的獲選信函。 此外,候補者和落選者將會由IIE另行寄發通知。

本會於4月份收到FFSB通知最後審核結果後, 本會將聯繫獲選學人/學者和寄發獎助相關文件。





A working knowledge of Mandarin or Taiwanese is useful, but not required. Mandarin study in Taiwan is highly encouraged. Also, a good capacity for studying and living in a cross-cultural setting is necessary.

Candidates must also be accepted by the university. A separate application to the university is required. Applicants not only have to apply to the Fulbright award, but also MUST also be accepted by the university. Please look up and respect the program application deadline at the university.


East Asia and the Pacific Team: