“Lessons from Lockdown: A U.S.-Taiwan Dialogue on Remote Education” Online Conference Registration is Now Open

Taiwan’s national transition to online education has put immense stress on its teachers, requiring them to adapt to new materials, methods, and classroom environments with very little preparation. Though remote education has many distinct advantages, it also comes with significant and often unforeseen challenges for teacher and student. 

Over a year ago, American educators went through the same ordeal when the first wave of the pandemic prompted schools to send students home and require teachers to move online. Many US educators have been teaching remotely or in hybrid settings from then till now. One arduous year of teaching remotely amid pandemic lockdown has earned them difficult but important experience in the field, which they will share during this conference. The aim of each presentation will be to help Taiwanese teachers save as much time and energy as possible by providing practice-based advice and accessible tools with which to maximize remote teaching environments and identify the unique stressors of online learning.

Date: June 20, 2021
Time: AM 7:30 – PM 5:00 (GMT+8)

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