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During Thanksgiving, Taimei Fu misses her families very much. When she is having dinner with friends, they talk about the tradition of “eating tail and teeth” of companies in Taiwan.
They also talk about the importance of “the Winter Solstice.”


Written by: Kuan-Lin Pan
Translated by: Ya-Chih Chan
Illustration by: Loanne Liao

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FLTA Storybook Series

The authors of the FLTA Storybook Series are from the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) program administrated by Fulbright Taiwan, which enables educators from Taiwan to assists in Chinese teaching in U.S. colleges and universities for around 9 months. In addition to teaching language, FLTAs serve as cultural ambassadors on campus. The program has benefited many Taiwanese teachers and also American university students since 2011. Special thanks to Department of State of U.S. and Ministry of Education of Taiwan for their great support to FLTA program over the years.


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