The Challenges and Prospects of Art Administrators in Taiwan (Abridged Version)

Five Taiwan grantees have been awarded with the Non-Academic Professional Fulbright Grant-MOC Category this year, including Jia-Li Su (tour guide of the National Palace Museum), Liang-Bin Tsao, (founder of Lightbox Photo Library), Sung-Ying Lu (specialist in the Bureau of Cultural Heritage, MOC), Shiu-Ping Wang (Independent Producer), and Feng-Chih Tsou (Director of Programming & Planning Department, National Theater & Concert Hall).

These grantees have years of experience in the fields of Photography, Museology, Cultural Relics Identification, and Performing Arts. To improve the working environment and make positive changes in the arts and culture industry, these grantees will be collaborating with institutions across the United States to conduct research on museum guided tours, photography collections and exhibitions, venue operations, blockchain technology, and healthcare systems in the arts industry.

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