
台灣大學 – 農業經濟碩士學位學程 / 全球衛生碩士學位學程 NTU’s M.A. Degree Program Grants

Program Introduction

The partner universities offer the opportunities for U.S. students to apply for scholarships that will enable them to continue full-time studies in Taiwan beyond the Fulbright award. The award is initially granted for 12 months, and renewal for the second year is dependent upon the grantee’s academic success. The award provides recipients with full tuition support and student dormitory at the co-sponsored universities. Programs are taught in English. The award must begin no earlier than September 1, 2024 and end no later than August 31, 2025.


Up to 2 awards




12 months


October 8, 2024

Program Profile

This award is available to pursue a full-time master’s degree programs in Global Health at National Taiwan University (NTU). The program is taught in English.


NTU is the most comprehensive university and the foremost research-led institution in Taiwan. It is considered by many the best and most prestigious academic institution in Taiwan, constantly placed among top ranked universities in Asia. NTU’s leading role in education and research is supported by a global strategy that capitalizes on sustained mobility, an expanded network of 450 partners, and the creation of quality global opportunities. NTU is committed to producing outstanding innovation in a wide array of fields. Powered by NTU’s national and international research hubs, NTU leads many cutting-edge research programs in science and engineering, medicine, life science, agriculture, and social sciences. It is internationally recognized as a pioneer in translational research, and is acclaimed for its world-leading breakthroughs in chip design.


The College of Public Health (CPH) of National Taiwan University (NTU) is so far the first and only public health school accredited by CEPH (Council on Education for Public Health) in Asia. The program targets international talent and is comprised entirely of international students. The GHP equips students with research expertise capable of providing scientific evidence to solve critical public health issues. With an emphasis on having an international faculty, community-based research, and cultural sensitivity, they train students to apply theories and design intervention through our course load consisting of work both in the classroom and in the field. Students have the opportunity to have a truly global education.


NTU College of Public Health is committed to providing an interesting and thought-provoking academic experience. Preparing both medical and non-medical students with the necessary skills and knowledge applicable to real world situations. The Master of Global Health program will equip you with the methodology and skills required to kick start a career in a global health context or help build on current skills. Also, the program incorporates world leading guest speakers in areas including global health, environmental health, epidemiology, biostatistics as well as healthcare policy and management. NTU is uniquely located in the heart of Asia with practicum opportunities available across Asia, Africa and Europe.


The award is co-sponsored by the National Taiwan University. The program will take 2 years to earn a master’s degree, and NTU offers full tuition waivers and student dormitory as long as the candidate maintains satisfactory academic standards.


  1. 每月獎助總額:台幣25,000元
    基本津貼: 台幣18,000元
    生活補助: 台幣7,000元
  2. 抵台安置與行李補助(僅給付一次):台幣36,000元
  3. 學費減免 (由學校提供,依據各校規定之畢業學分數給付)
  4. 免費住宿 (由學校提供)
  5. 來回經濟艙機票
  6. 全民健康保險

Critical Language Enhancement Award

The Critical Language Enhancement Award (CLEA) provides an opportunity for Fulbright U.S. Student Program grantees to receive intensive language study in addition to their research/study grants. The award provides tuition reimbursement for grantees to pursue language training in the host countries.

Application for CLEA is made in conjunction with the Fulbright U.S. Student application. However, being awarded a Fulbright U.S. Student grant does not guarantee receipt of CLEA since review of each award is conducted separately and is contingent upon several factors. In Taiwan, only degree-seeking students pursuing Master’s studies will be eligible for CLEA. For additional information and requirements on the award, please see Critical Language Enhancement Award details.


Acceptable Languages



Prior Language Study

Prior language study is not required.


Dates and Timing

16 weeks, concurrent with academic studies during the first semester. CLEA recipients will be expected to arrive by the end of August to begin intensive language studies with private tutoring arranged by the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan). CLEA language classes will take place through an exclusive, close partnership with FSE-approved language tutors. All instructors are well-trained in TCSL pedagogy, and they offer all levels of language instruction from beginner to advanced.


下列人士 符合 資格申請:

  1. 須為美國國民, 僅持美國綠卡者資格不符。
  2. 擁有碩士學位。
  3. 具備上述學術領域所需之相關學歷背景。
  4. 獲獎者最初授與12個月的獎助時間,其後依該生學術成績表現做為續領全額獎助金獎之依據。 本會與台灣大學院校締約,為美籍學生提供全額獎助學金、免費的學生宿舍,使其能在台充分投入學習,台灣師範大學提供的國際學程, 皆以英語授課。 獎助時間為2021年9月1日至2022年8月31日。
  5. 請參閱獎助金附帶條件

下列人士 不符 資格申請:

  1. Currently residing in Taiwan (or those who will be living in Taiwan during the 2023-2024 academic year) will not be considered. 
  2. Has lived outside the United States for five or more consecutive years in the six-year period preceding. An applicant who has lived outside the United States for nine months or more during the calendar year is deemed to have resided abroad for that year.
  3. Have dual U.S.-Taiwan citizenship or permanent residency.


Graduate Degree Enrollment

Letter of acceptance required prior to grant start No letter of affiliation is required upon application. Candidates must be accepted by both the Fulbright commission in Taiwan and the university program.


Applicants must also be accepted by the university

A separate application to the university is required. Applicants not only have to apply to the Fulbright award, but also MUST be accepted by the university. PLEASE look up and respect the program application deadline at the university.


Once a Fulbright finalist gains admission to a master’s degree program, a copy of the admission letter must be provided to the commission.


Apply online no later than October 8, 2024. For more application information, please see the IIE website for details which provides general information about awards for Taiwan, as well as application instructions.

Application Procedure


Apply online no later than October 8, 2024. For more application information, please see the Fulbright U.S. Student Program website, which provides general information and application instructions about awards for Taiwan, for details.


Submit the following all required application components for the 2024-2025 U.S. Student Program by the application deadline: October 8, 2024.

  1. Statement of Grant Purpose
  2. Personal Statement
  3. Three letters of recommendation 
  4. Transcripts

Please refer to the Application Components section for details of application requirements


Application process has been completed! Wait for the notification letter!

If there are any questions with regard to the Fulbright Student Program, please direct your inquiry to:  FBstudent.EAP@iie.org


Submit the application to National Taiwan University at the same time. 

Please make sure you complete the application in the two different application systems.

Application FAQ

The application for Fulbright U.S. Student Program awards opens in early April and closes in early October every year. For more details about application criteria, application deadlines, application guidelines, grant benefits, etc., please visit IIE’s website.

Fulbright “students” are participants in the Fulbright Student Program, which enables graduating college seniors, graduate students, early career professionals and artists to study, teach, or conduct research. A bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) is generally required by the start of the Fulbright grant period. Some exceptions may apply, especially for artists.

Fulbright “scholars” are participants in the Fulbright Scholar Program, which enables college and university faculty members with a Ph.D. (or equivalent terminal degree) to teach and/or conduct research. The Fulbright Scholar Program is also open to artists and professionals. A small number of grants are also offered annually to U.S. international education administrators through the Fulbright Scholar Program.

The Fulbright Program does not have age limits for applicants.

Contact a Fulbright Program Advisor on your campus or visit the Fulbright Student Program website for application information. The application cycle opens in the first week of April each year.

A GPA of 3.0 or higher is required usually. In general, GPA is not the deciding factor. Reviewers look for cogent and feasible projects, well-written proposals, and candidates who demonstrate in their proposals that they understand the purpose of Fulbright.

We recommend that you allow a minimum of 4-6 month’s preparation. Start early! Also, if you plan to start your Fulbright student program immediately following graduation, prepare your application in your junior year and submit at the beginning of your senior year. 

A GPA of 3.0 or higher is required usually. In general, GPA is not the deciding factor. Reviewers look for cogent and feasible projects, well-written proposals, and candidates who demonstrate in their proposals that they understand the purpose of Fulbright.

Click here to view the Online Application Portal and Application Period for the Master’s Degree Program Award. 

No, you cannot defer your Fulbright award.

No. Previously unsuccessful applicants are strongly encouraged to re-submit.

Yes. You can travel outside Taiwan for a maximum of two weeks (14 days), excluding weekends, based on a 10 to 12-month grant period. The actual maximum # of days is calculated on a pro-rata basis depending on the approved grant period.

For all trips outside of Taiwan during the grant period, prior approval is required from FSE. In addition, host institutions/professionals must also agree to grantee travel plans to release grantees. Trips outside Taiwan cannot occur during the first or the last month of the grant period.

Fulbright Taiwan will provide you with detailed information, required documents, and visa cable number provided from MOFA to process once you are selected as a grantee. Please see the website for details.

U.S. grantees who are in Taiwan with a resident visa are eligible for Taiwan National Health Insurance (NHI). FSE pays the NHI cost for grantees. Also, all U.S. Grantees are offered an additional group insurance coverage for emergency/accident treatment at FSE’s expense. The group insurance helps strengthen compensation packages. The goal of a group insurance plan is to provide some basic additional insurance protection if something unexpected happens.

Nevertheless, all U.S. grantees are still encouraged to retain their own health insurance.

Selection Procedure

Early January

Regional Peer Review (First Run Selection) 

Reviewers screen applications based on a comprehensive match to each award and recommend candidates for further consideration. Regional reviewers evaluate and rate applicants within each award. Regional reviewers consider criteria, award requirements, regional fit, language requirements, J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB) policy, and cultural adaptability and sensitivity. After this stage, all applicants are notified by IIE of their review status (recommended or not recommended). Recommended applicants are then sent forward for review abroad and to the FFSB.

End of January

Recommended Applications from the IIE Received

Recommended applicants are received from the Institute of International Education (IIE).

Middle February

Review in Host Country/Countries (Second Run Selection) 

A Selection Committee (academic peers from a variety of disciplines, board members, and staff) reviews all documents and research proposals and recommends a slate for final selection by Fulbright Taiwan’s Board.

End of February

Submit the Nominee List

Provide the selected applicants (nominee/non-nominees list) to the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB) after the board meeting.

April of the grant year

Final Approval from FFSB

Review and official selection of recommended candidates for Fulbright grants by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB). Selected applicants receive a letter from the FFSB chair as official notice of selection for a U.S. Fulbright Scholar award. Alternates and applicants not selected will receive a letter regarding status from IIE.

Final approval is then normally received by Fulbright Taiwan in April. Then, Fulbright Taiwan will contact the grantees and send them the grant packets.

Note:  All Taiwan grantees must hold a J-type visa to enter Taiwan for educational and cultural exchange programs

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Additional Comments

A working knowledge of Mandarin or Taiwanese is useful, but not required. Mandarin study in Taiwan is highly encouraged. Also, a good capacity for studying and living in a cross-cultural setting is necessary.

Candidates must also be accepted by the university. A separate application to the university is required. Applicants not only have to apply to the Fulbright award, but also MUST also be accepted by the university. Please look up and respect the program application deadline at the university.


East Asia and the Pacific Team: