Fulbright Taiwan Talk 2023: “A view from the piano bench: a classical pianist’s musical adventures and discoveries in Taiwan” by Thomas Rosenkraz

Thomas Rosenkraz, our 2022-2023 Fulbright U.S. Senior Scholar Grantee and a contemporary pianist, will share his memories in Taiwan with us at the beginning of the New Year.

As a pianist, he was named the recipient of the Classical Fellowship Award from the American Pianists Association and performs and teaches throughout the world. He currently is a Professor of Piano and Keyboard Area Coordinator at the University of Missouri Kansas City Conservatory, is an honorary guest professor at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music in China, and is a visiting professor at Tunghai University.

With the topic, “A view from the piano bench: a classical pianist’s musical adventures and discoveries in Taiwan,” Professor Rosenkraz is going to present his observations as a pianist, including interactions with students and collaborations with well-known performers during his stay in Taiwan, as well as discuss how music become a tool to enhance #friendship between Taiwan and the U.S.

Event Information

Date: January 3, 2023

Time: 10 – 11am

Venue | FSE Lecture Hall (3F., 45, Yanping S. Rd., Taipei)

The Fulbright Taiwan Talk only opens the online registration.

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