Dr. Hsuta Lin, 2010-2011 Fulbright Taiwan Senior Scholar Alumnus, Released an Anthropology Book “The Wonderland”


The Foundation for Scholarly Exchange is thrilled to share our 2010-2011 Fulbright Taiwan Senior Scholar Award Grantee, and a Professor in the Department of Ethnic Relations and Cultures at National Dong Hwa University, Dr. Hsuta Lin, who just released his latest anthropology book The Wonderland.

For most anthropologists, the “cross-cultural field work” is a process of discovering “how culture is made” from a perspective as the cultural “other.”

This book focuses on the cultural interpretations of the mental patient, mental hospital, as well as the clinical workers. This book is not only trying to clarify the “significance” of the clinical area for mental patients, but also bringing a discussion of the “isolated field work,” which is different from the “transportable field work” in modern anthropology studies.

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