New Generation Girls Power in Bilingual Education: FSE Launched a “Promoting Democratic Values Argument and Debate in English” Mini-Course at Taipei First Girls’ High School

To facilitate Taiwan’s new generation bilingual critical thinking ability, the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (FSE) launched a mini-course, “Promoting Democratic Values Argument and Debate in English,” at Taipei First Girls’ High School (TPFG), starting from November 9, 2022.
Dr. Randall Nadeau, the Executive Director of Fulbright Taiwan, at the mini-course.

“We expect students who join this mini-course will learn about how to ‘listen’ and ‘persuade’ others at the end of the class, as well as speak out your insights in global trends and cross-cultural awareness with confidence in English. Most important of all, I hope all of you will be able to understand and value the democratic commons within Taiwan and the U.S.,” Dr. Randall Nadeau, the Executive Director of Fulbright Taiwan, pointed out.

This six-week mini-course is supported by the Fulbright Taiwan Debate Program. Two distinguished Fulbright American Debate Coaches will lead and guide 25 TPFG students to improve their critical and logical thinking in English. We expect all students will become global democratic youth leaders and enlarge their girls’ power in the near future.

Group photo of the mini-course at Taipei First Girls High School

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